STARTER KIT - how to be a better me (part 2)
Now that you are taking care of your exterior, it would be good to also work on the interior. It is quite disappointing to find beautiful people with such terrible attitudes- all that glitters really is not gold. It is true that beauty is pain but do you really have to make others feel this pain too? Do you really need all the negativity? Even if you cannot change for you, at least for that person that is looking up to you. Whether or not you know it there is always someone out there taking notes of what you're doing and learning from you, as a matter of facts we all have done this at one point, some people even everyday. It is called modeling in psychology.
Imagine what damage you would cause the world if someone picks up or imitates your bad behavior. Everyone needs to work on their inner beauty. Although it might not be easy but everyday you change and persist, it becomes a habit and a part of you that cannot be taken away.
The subject of beauty is not only restricted to what we see when we look in the mirror but in who we are as people.
These are some starter tips to improving our individual beauty;
1. Be willing to change : The first step to solving any problem really is identifying that there is a problem. Now that you have established that fact, are you ready for the solution? If your answer is yes, then you have received your first healing. If it is no, go back to bed. You might have tried different options and all have failed, please do not forget that nothing good comes easy and the more you try to be better, the more people would strive to bring you down and destroy what you have built, you should realize that it is only you that can prove to them that you are not what they thought you were, or who they think you are, YOU ARE BETTER AND BEAUTIFUL.
2. Practice forgiveness : Can you count how many times in a day that you have been forgiven even by a fellow? I doubt that. We are not perfect and we know, we wrong people all the time with or without knowing. Our ability to forgive anyone who has wronged us is what makes us better. Imagine if everyone we did something bad to decides to hold a grudge, I'm sure that we won't last. In this game of life we need to make smart moves and forgiveness is one of them. When you forgive someone, someone else forgives you. I know it's not easy especially this particular topic of forgiveness but the more we decide to have a much more forgiving spirit and pray about it, the easier it gets to forgive.
3. Think before you talk : Most people don't know how to talk and this is not about vocabularies or a speech disorder, more like what we say. Some people are so vulgar and whenever they open their mouth you just know that it's rubbish that would come out of it. We should seriously take our time to understand what we say before we say it. Sometimes we want to make a point but we don't know how to put it and it comes out wrong and hurts someone. Before giving advice to anyone we need to think about what we are saying to them and the impact it would create for them and others.
4. Exude positivity : There is a behavioral circle that starts with you and ends with you, I'll explain. When you treat one person poorly or give them a negative attitude, they would pass the attitude on to the next person and that person would pass it to the next, and so on until it gets back to you and you would be complaining that the world is wicked and bad. People! it started from you and what you did or someone that is in a lot of pain, you don't have to pass it on. Now, imagine if it was a positive ideal or an optimistic comment or a good deed, it would go around and come back to you. What you do shall be done to you. The more good you do, the more good you receive.
5. Educate yourself on optimism : If you are willing to change, you would work towards it by educating yourself on ways to be better and I believe reading this post is one way. When you learn anything you are one step ahead of someone who does not know better, so do not reduce yourself to their illiterated level. Learn to control yourself in public, to think fast before talking back, about or to anyone. Educate yourself on a higher level.
7. Set goals that you want to achieve : This step is vital for improvement physically and otherwise. We should be able to make SMART (specific,measurable, achievable,reasonable and time bound) goals for a better and speedy improvement.
8. Try on new experiences to see where you fit perfectly : Although there is no perfect place for anyone but you can be very comfortable. Trying to build up a better you can be very tasking and challenging so sticking to the same old routine might just not work for a different and better outcome that you want. put yourself out there and see how much you have improved in yourself. If you put in the work, you would have less to worry about.
9. Change friends if need be : Just as you are trying new experiences, activities, and environments you should also try making new friends with people who relate more with the new person you are becoming. Your old friends know you as this particular person and they might not be able to adjust to the new person you're becoming. Now I'm not saying ditch your old friends and make new ones, more like add people who can relate with you more on this new level. If your old crowd influenced your negative attitude they might not take it so well if you now decide to be better. Lol- haters.
10. Improve your spirituality : There is no inner beauty without a spiritual backing. Your spiritual life would give you confidence, faith, hope and love. As we strive for better health and character, we should not forget to get in touch with our spiritual life. As we get better and work hard we would see changes in every aspect of our everyday work.
Thanks for reading!
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