STARTER KIT - Being a better ME (Part 1)
1. Start with Oral Care : Oral care is the maintenance of the mouth and teeth to prevent dental disorder. It is important that we care for our mouth because the moment you look classy and fine but when you open your mouth and people run? .. .There are so many products to use to prevent yourself the embarrassment, some would be listed below. Trust me you do not want to be remembered as 'MO' (mouth odour) so instead of spending your money buying food or products that would worsen the case, buy dental kits. So that when you feel like smiling or talking in public you immediately portray confidence.
a) Toothpaste and Toothbrush - don't forget to brush twice
b) mouth spray - Totally optional
c) Mouth wash - really helps with your breath
d) Teeth bleaching instruments - white teeth, pretty smile.
2. Move on to beauty (Facial products) : keeping the face looking pretty is a good start to attracting the right crowd. When you look bad with lots of pimples and blackheads, people might instantly conclude that you do not take care of yourself even though sometimes it's not our fault that we get these things. Your face is the first thing anyone sees when they look at you, it's practically your selling point so I suggest you take as much care of your face as you can. Get a morning routine, and evening routine or a special day to go natural and let it breath. Instead of spending all those money on makeup, why don't you spend it on products that would give you a flawless skin that you won't need makeup to cover whatever.
a) Face scrub
b) Face mask
c) Face cleanser
d) Face soap
e) moisturizer
f) Face wipe and makeup wipes
3. Hair care : A clean and health hair is beautiful because you can always tell if someone has dirty and unkept hair, the smell. Grrr. I'm not going to think about it. It is even worse when we have to wear wigs or weaves all the time, we just forget about our natural hair and that it has to breath once in a while. Some people are scared to show their real hair, so they cover it up with extensions and weaves. If you take good care of your hair you won't have to do that. As you spend a lot on artificial hair, you should also take the time and money to take care of your natural hair too.
a) Shampoo
b) Conditioner
c) hair cream
d) hair oil ( Argan,castor,olive )- you can make a mask
e) hair spray
f) clean combs
4. The Body and Skin : There are ways to keep your body and skin looking tight and pretty, my very own number 1 example is through 'exercise' I'm talking workout, fitness plans and eating healthy. Proper intake of food and water with regular exercising can impact your skin in several beautiful ways, you would look more relaxed, removes cellulitis, tones your body bringing out that inner glow and shine.
Everyone looks amazing just the way they are but I always say, if you can be better than you are right now then why not? Treat your body like the temple that it is, so beautify your temple.
a) Exercise.
b) Dieting.
c) body care: bathes, nail care etc.
d) moisture - really important.
e) drink a lot of water.
5. Style: Saved the best for last. Your style must not only portray who you want to be but also who you are on the inside. Style is really important to revealing who you truly are, so you should pay attention (undivided attention) to who you're becoming through your style.
One advice: Although it might hurt or seem ridiculous at first but when you are working for you, I suggest you put in Overtime.
Thank you for reading!
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