The Styling Block
A styling block is basically when you have what to wear but you do not know how to put it together or style it for the day. I used to always have a styling block, It can be very annoying especially when you want to rush off someplace.
Here are some of the things I do when I have a styling block :
1. Watch YouTube style videos: some days you can feel the block coming so what to do when you feel it coming is, watch some styling videos on YouTube you might see an outfit that goes with your mood for the week.
image: Shirley B. Enaing - she's one of my favorite YouTuber to watch when I'm in a little jam.
2. Google/download images: when it becomes urgent and you are desperate, you can simply google images of - I google celebrity street style. Shh you can't tell anyone .. Or better yet tell everyone because it happens to almost everyone especially during the school year or when you have a job and there is no assigned uniform. I do not want anyone that opens my blog to go out there and dress like you are coming from a race and looking a mess.
image : Kendall Jenner - not an easy style to copy/reinvent but we still want to look as good so we have to try.
3. Social media/ Reinventing : another way to ease our style block is to look at other people, not copy just 'reinventing' someone else's style. I do this sometimes in school when I am out of options, I might just step out of my room and see someone dressed nicely so I just dress like that but in my own way. Now it is even easier because we can go on Instagram, style fruit, snupp, tumblr even Twitter and search for really cool styles and just 'reinvent' them into your personal styling.
image : made this from pictures of people's styles that I love - @rorichie, @nikos_babii
4. Outfit prepping: Just as we meal prep for a better diet, we can as well outfit prep - select your entire outfit or the major items in your outfit, lay it all out for a week so that as you get up you can just throw them on instead of thinking about it.
5. Mood: we sometimes dress according to how we are feeling, happy-floral, sad/moody-dark, sassy, glittery etc. for this move, all you have to think about is your current mood and mix it up with a basic jeans and tank/top or skirt and crop top/ shirt.
I hope this is going to help someone/anyone out there suffering from the styling block.
Thanks for reading!!
Okay it's my first time here and I'm so impressed!!! I love everything about this blog