Where have I been? Upcoming weight loss challenge!

Hey Everyone! I have missed writing and posting,i have been away for a while now because i am in the process of opening a website that would have full information and details about style, beauty, basic lifestyle and fitness. The website would have a space for all the things that make up Versica and would be really helpful to everyone, not just focused on a particular group of people. Anyways lets leave the website for now because it would be done at the end of the year and would be launched on 1 January 2017. Hurrayy!! i am actually very excited about it and i cannot wait to work with different people next year. Early in the summer I promised an exercise challenge but when i got a little busy i could not pull through to finishing my practice so i couldn't put up a challenge. Well that is changing soon because i started the challenge again and I'm almost done with it and would put it up in a while. I posted a picture on my instagram about how i have gained weight and wo...