
Showing posts from January, 2016

Be fit, Stay fit - Consistency is Key

Loosing weight and staying fit can be one of the hardest things to do. It takes a lot of motivation, courage and consistency. Shuting your eyes to things that you typically love doing like lazining around, eating, and just doing whatever you want to meal planning, dieting, gyming and being conscious of your daily routines. It's even harder to focus when you have people telling you all the time that you look like you have added a couple extra pounds after the holidays or friends and family that look slimmer than you do or family members that have successfully lost weight telling you that you are just being lazy. Do not listen to any of their comments but be inspired because if you want to lose any weight or be fit it should be because you want to and you no longer feel comfortable not because someone else wants you to, you know why? You're the one that would have to put in all the work, hit the gym, kill the cravings and all that. Doing things to impress people is exactly wastin...